
How many downloads do iPhone apps get?

The eternal question.. answered directly by super-shit-hot UK developer, Simon Maddox, on the MoMo London email discussion this afternoon:

Hey Will,

My app, 0870, was accepted into the app store a week and a half ago after 429 days in review. I’m planning to release all of the stats on my blog, but here’s a sneak preview for you, and the rest of MoMoLondon:

Day 1: 3,130 (#79)
Day 2: 6,786 (#29)
Day 3: 15,265 (#7)
Day 4: 10,619 (#5)
Day 5: 9,407 (#4)

The app is free, and contains an Admob advert at the bottom of the screen.

In the next few days, I’m going to be releasing full statistics on my blog (, including:
number of downloads
chart positions
admob revenue
impact on other (paid) apps sold by me
Hope you find it useful!



Looking forward to the update, Simon!