
How much will Vodafone fleece me for data in Hong Kong?

Continuing my exploration into the ironic joy that is the welcome text
from your operator, here’s what I just received from Vodafone UK
having arrived in Hong Kong:

Welcome to HONG KONG. Calls cost 140ppm to make & 125ppm
to receive. SMS 35p + your home rate & max pic msg 161p. Data costs up
to £12.75 for 25MB. All prices excl VAT. Free price info on or call +441635691700. Emergency svcs

So not much different from the USA, apart from the data bundle. At
least you can do a little more with 25mb. But £12.75 excluding VAT?
Oooof. That will do some damage to any month-end phone bill.

I suppose the per-meg charge (25mb/£12 pounds) is a heck of a lot
lower than the usual £4/meg you see around the place.

But what happens after 25mb, I wonder? I shall use the free price info
URL to find out.

Ok. I had a look. I have no idea.

Posted via email from MIR Live