
How bad are Brits at handling 0.5 inches of snow?

Following on from my ShoZu Picture Of The Day, I’m pleased I had my N95 8Gb to hand to record this:

Just how bad are the Brits at managing 0.5 inches of snow? from Mobile Industry Review on Vimeo.

Yes, it’s a poor chap trying, hope-against-hope, to get his van up a slight hill outside my place in 0.5 inches of snow.

If you’ve ever dealt with decent amounts of snow (i.e. had to install snowchains on your massive 4×4), this should, I reckon, be entertaining to watch.

We simply can’t handle any kind of snow in the UK, much less in the lowlands.

But I’m pleased to have my mobile handy and the mobile technology available to be able to capture it. 😀