
How to Fix the Nokia N-Series

Nokia Daily News posted this series of suggestions on how to fix the Nokia N-Series.

I will avoid giving Nokia a kicking, since it’s a Tuesday.

I’m trying to keep my stress levels below 90% and allowing myself to think about Nokia for more than 2 minutes will blow my objectives.

I’m just pleased that it’s not just me that thinks Nokia have, generally, being doing a PISS POOR job. It’s not just the N-Series chaps.

Leave it to Nokia Daily News to suggest this shocking, shocking, SHOCKING point:

Pressing Exit/back/back/exit/back eight times to get to the home screen feels very primitive. Get rid of the “symbian” key, because you can’t explain it to someone while providing tech support. Everyone can find a Home key with a picture of a house on it. Do this for all Nokias.

How DARE you.

HOW double-triple DARE you.

Don’t you know that the Nokia UI AND that stupid Symbian key represents the Finnish equivalent of a near-orgasmic level pleasure?

Next point from Nokia Daily News. Software.

I have to say, this is getting a little bit too revolutionary for my comfort.

Have a read.

Make software really easy to install.

Let me stop you there.

How simply DARE you?

Make it easy? What, next you’ll be suggesting you want Nokia to get rid of all those stupid ‘DO YOU WANT TO INSTALL THIS?’ messages.


Sometimes when I’m installing a .sis file, it has other requirements rolled into it, and it keeps asking way-too-many-questions. If I click “install” on my desktop computer, it’s because I want to install the software to my phone. Why does it keep asking all these questions?

Now don’t you dare mention the A word.

Apple doesn’t ask that many questions.


Or the other ‘A’ word.

Android installs nicely in the background without asking any other questions, and it doesn’t hog up the foreground with an app while it’s installing.



Excellent points from Nokia Daily News. Head over here if you’d like to read the full list of suggestions all of which I trust will be promptly ignored by the N-Series chaps before being implemented in a huge, huge panic in the third quarter of 2015 when no one’s bothered to buy the new N98 that looks substantially the same as the N97 with a nice new pattern on the back of the battery cover.

Right. My Nokia stress levels already approaching 90%. Over and out.