
HSL: "Abuse of Interconnect Obligations by EU Mobile Networks"

HSL are not impressed…

Link: webitpr | Abuse of Interconnect Obligations by EU Mobile Networks

Telecommunications regulation has come a long way over the years but has regulation actually been effective? In Europe, we have some compelling words on paper that provide a framework for regulation, yet progressive mobile messaging companies still find that they face what amounts to anti-competitive behaviour from a number of European mobile network operators (MNOs).

This anti-competitive behaviour is clearly seen in the area of interconnect in the mobile market. Interconnect between networks is essential for 3rd party network operators, such as mobile messaging company HSL, to deliver new or competing services to mobile subscribers and it is here that stronger and firmer regulation is essential. Based on HSL’s experience when attempting to obtain interconnect in Europe there are a large number of MNOs in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom that HSL believes are behaving in an anti-competitive manner.