
Hunting for Google's UK MVNO on the High Street

I went hunting for Google’s UK MVNO this afternoon on London’s High Street (Oxford Street).

I popped into three different o2 shops. Nothing.

I don’t know what I was thinking. Now and again the mobile geekery inside me overflows into a wanton lust for technical advancement — and in the absence of any decent information about Google’s UK MVNO, I hoped, stupidly, that, well, you know, there might be a poster up in one of the o2 shops about it.

Or that one of the store assistants might have misplaced their everything-you-wanted-to-know-about-the-Google-UK-MVNO guidebook and left it in view.


Not a bit of it.

When I sit back and peel the technolust layers away, my key interest with Google’s apparent MVNO is the fact that o2 is mentioned all over the place. Yes, o2… the network that can’t, apparently support unmetered mobile data plans. Goodness knows how that sort of outlook is going to play with a Google MVNO.

It won’t, obviously.

So, I’m looking forward to seeing exactly what’s been cooked up. If you’ve got any gossip on this, shoot me a mail (