
I have ONE pod to give away at Appnation: Here's how to win!

Calling all mobile applications developers!

I’ve just been speaking to the chaps at Appnation, the premier applications conference happening in San Francisco in two weeks. I’ve managed to secure ONE booth to give away for a lucky mobile developer or a mobile startup closely related to app development.

These stands are called ‘pods’ and they are based right in the middle of the developer zone of the conference.

If you are a mobile developer, seriously *seriously* consider getting stuck in for this competition. Not only will you be able to network with the cream of San Francisco’s hottest mobile developers and connected mobile people, you’ll automatically be one-of-the-boys with one of these pods.

You’ll get to pitch up at the event with a proper badge and be able to show off your wares to the serious people attending. You can browse the stupendous speaker list right here.

And I think you should be in front of them.

And what’s more, I’ve got the opportunity for you to do so — free. (Pods normally start at $595.) I’ve only got *ONE* booth/stand to give away though.

This is what you get if you win:

– A pod near all the action
– 1 conference pass
– 2 expo passes
– 1 reception ticket

The reception ticket is worth it alone, just for the networking.

To qualify:

– You must be able to get to San Francisco for the Appnation Conference (13th/14th Sept) and pay for your travel costs
– You or your company must work in the field of mobile application development or closely, closely related (e.g. mobile app statistics or the like)

So if you’re a mobile-based startup or a straight mobile app developer, here’s what you need to do:

1. Tweet the following message: I’d like to win a pod at @appnationconf with @mobileindustry (Cut and paste that into Twitter.)

2. This way I can easily track your entry. I’ll only be tracking one per person, but if your colleagues want to tweet it too, that’s fine.

3. At 10pm GMT Wednesday (tomorrow) I’ll put all the names of those who’ve tweeted into my randomiser spreadsheet. I’ll then have it choose someone.

4. I’ll tweet the winner as soon as I can. And then you need to get in touch soon so I can introduce you to Drew at Appnation to sort it all out for you.

5. Historically, lots of people tend to read these competitions that we do here on Mobile Industry Review, but hardly anyone tends to actually enter. This is because everyone thinks “I’ll never win it”. Which means if you’re actually interested, you’re in with a great chance. You could be 1 in 10 people. Or 1 in 23. Or something like that. So do give it a go.

(Sadly, I can’t offer flights, meals, mobile phones, hotels or anything else in connection with the above listed points. It’d be brililant if I could and if you’re reading from a super-well funded billion dollar mobile company with a spare bit of budget, think of those in the startup world who’d love to benefit from that budget…)

BUT! Appnation have arranged a group rate (link) at the SFO Hilton Union Square.

So, as I said, I’m going to choose a winner at 10pm GMT tomorrow to give them enough time to get organised.

Before entering, please do check that you’ve got the wherewithal to get to San Francisco for the 13th and 14th of September!

Good luck!

I’ll stay in touch with the Appnation chaps and see if we can milk them for more pods, but for no guarantees so be sure to enter now!