
I have ordered 9 iPhones

…well so far. Possibly.

Yes that’s right, the usual launch day farce:

0700: E-mail customers announcing you open for business in 1hr.

0800: Don’t open.

0815: Open.

0845: Slow to a crawl before completing a transaction.

0910: Switch to ‘failover’ plain-styled registration page.

0920: Error on submission of the order.

0922: Don’t bother erroring, just re-load the order page on submission.


…and before you say ‘you should have expected it’ …yes, but so should O2.

I may or may not be the recipient of an iPhone 3G on Friday (or indeed 9). I can’t tell. After a significant wait the pleasant O2 lady with a northern accent tells me ‘the internet site is very busy’ and to try again.


Bad Request

O2 Consumer Facing upgrades

O2 Consumer Facing upgrades