
I think I want a new mobile.

After having the pure pleasure of playing around with some interesting, new, and innovative mobiles and applicatons over the past couple of weeks; I’ve come to a conclusion that I want a new mobile.

I’ve been sitting here looking at mine, a Sony W810i, and it just looks so boring, and big, compared to everything else.  The thing is, I haven’t even had it that long, and I normally don’t just go off my mobile phones this quickly. Now however, I feel a sort of resent towards it.

However, I’m stuck with a horrible choice…
What mobile do I buy?

I’m extremely picky, and horribly indecisive, which makes buying anything almost near impossible. I also have a list of requirements, a FM radio, at least a 2 megapizel camera, a torch, and a good set of buttons. Ideally, I would love a QWERTY keyboard, or something along the lines of a Sidekick, but that isn’t going to happen.

I have a budget which I’m limiting up to £110 (there is absolutely no point in spending loads of money, to only be made quickly outdated by new technology). Also, I want something I can personalise. So that means either by a proper means, or in Sony ways – use some software, and reconfigure it a little.

Comment any ideas you have, because I’ve looked around on some websites, and nothing seems to be remotely inspiring. All the mobiles seem to be copying each other; they all look too “samey” if you get my drift? I’m not expecting massive innovation here, just something has a personality.

Or if you wish, feel free to drop me an e-mail at – all ideas are welcome!