
I Want Your Text - 'Sex Messaging'

Link: I Want Your Text – Text Messaging Is The Latest Technology For Hooking Up — New York Magazine.

It was only a matter of time before New Yorkers started getting hot and heavy via text message. We’re a little late to the game (those cheeky Europeans, masters of hand-to-phone coordination, have enjoyed the sexual benefits of texting for years). But all it took was a catchy moniker—you gotta love ‘sex messaging”—and a little time for people to develop thumb dexterity while drunk.

‘I use text messaging to schedule all my booty calls,” says Deborah, 27, a publicist. ‘It usually takes about ten messages until we’re on our way to meet.” It doesn’t stop there. ‘We continue to text-message until the door of my place or his is opened and we connect. We even send BlackBerrys from the elevator.” Texting as foreplay: ideal for the busy urban booty caller.