ICSTIS plans to do something...
Link: Regulator awards itself powers to ban SMS scammers | OUT-LAW.COM.
The premium rate phone regulator is overhauling its policies so
that it can take more direct action against rule breaking content
providers. Mobile phone content providers who break the ICSTIS
rules could be banned from operating any premium rate services in
new rules to be introduced in September.
Remember WIN were recently hammered by ICSTIS?
WIN has paid ICSTIS the fine and has already recouped the cost from Summit revenues coming from networks through it to Summit. “We have two million messages a day passing through our system in real time, we are like an internet service provider, we can’t technically check the content of all those,” said Sally Weatherall, head of WIN’s legal department. Weatherall said that Summit was now banned from WIN’s platform.
Of course WIN can’t be manually checking every single one of the messages going through their systems.
BUT they can be ruthlessly checking exactly how their customers are using their network, perform regular spot checks and require customers to submit all new services for review by the WINS team (at the client’s cost) prior to activating connections.
It all looks really simple to me.
Anyway, interesting piece by Out-Law.