
If you care about mobile data use, give datasquasher a try

If you care about mobile data use, give datasquasher a try

For those of you using smartphones, slightly concerned at all times about how much data you’re using (and I assume that’s nearly all you), then it’s probably time to give datasquasher a try. Get it here.

It’s only on iOS at the moment, but I suspect that they’ll be adding more OSes soon. datasquasher lets you control your mobile data use by setting the image quality you want, or by turning off video or unwanted ads etc – it puts the control into your hands and doesn’t let the operator decide whether your data is compressed.

The likes of Skyfire, Mobixell and Bytemobile do a great job of helping the operator manage data usage, compressing and load-balancing as required – but they do it for the operator and not for you. datasquasher puts the power in your hands. As you can see, it even shows you where your data is used – and, of course, saved.

Now, I expect the likes of you, dear MIR reader, already has this covered with a real “unlimited” data deal or some kind of work-around for your data usage that allows you to be free and easy in your usage. Me? I’ve done that and also pay through the nose, but I accept that as the price for doing what I do.

The real genius of datasquasher is for the normobs who right now are still concerned about mobile data usage – they see all the scary stories and they don’t understand how much data they are using to send an email, or browse the mobile web.

And of course the new 4G networks won’t change that – not if they all stick to the tariffs introduced by EE – at the faster speeds, a monthly 500mb allowance will just be used up even quicker.

So if you have a wife, mother, brother or granny concerned about the cost of their mobile data then get them to download datasquasher and then they can control it with some simple settings.

They could also go here to get a bit more advice of what their data allowance can be used on before it’s all gone. It’s a really good summary from the datasquasher team.