
If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?

I was sent a CD last week from the question answering chaps at AQA. It’s their album. They’ve taken ten of their most popular questions and put them to music.

Here’s the front:


The back:


And the middle track listing:


It’s rather cool and slightly surreal listening to (for example) DeadDogInBlackBag‘s If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends. You can’t help wondering what answer AQA send back as an answer. Heh.

The track listing:

1. What’s gone wrong?
2. Will I get through today without being kicked in the knickers?
3. Was Jack the Ripper?
4. If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?
5. Is AQA man or machine?
6. What should I do to my bird tonight?
7. Has anyone seen Elvis’s dead body?
8. Why me?
9. Does anyone love me?
10. Can you cry underwater?

Have a go at answering those…

The band who attracted the most votes by the AQA audience, by the way, was Model Radio with their track “What’s gone wrong?”. They were awarded a winners cheque of £5,000 by AQA.

More info and track downloads here.