
I'm available, do you need any help?

I have now finished my projects. As of yesterday I’m a free man.

Well, not quite.

I still continue to run Eventscope, Mobile Industry Review, Mobile Developer TV and The Application Review. These operations don’t need my full time involvement as I’m supported by a very smart and capable team.

Ergo I’m free. I’m hunting for some new projects to get stuck into. There is already one that I’m working on (more about that in this week’s newsletter — subscribe free). However, that’s not going to tax me and won’t eat up much of my week at all.

Do you have a problem or a challenge that I can assist with? If you’ve been following the site for any length of time — or if you’ve checked out the Who is Ewan section, you’ll know I’ve established, grown and sold quite a few companies in the tech and mobile space. The last one was purchased for $24m.

I’m eminently comfortable at board level and highly effective challenging the status quo at the implementation or ‘doing’ level.

I’m available at the moment for short or long term projects, let me know if I can help — is me.