
I'm off to see the Ambassador


I’m off to the Finnish Embassy this afternoon with — I believe — a few other folk from the mobile and telecoms industries. The Embassy is putting on a seminar on the innovations in Telecommunications and Media. I said I’d be delighted to go along. It should no doubt be an interesting experience.

I suspect that the phrase ‘Nokia’ will be mentioned. I have taken to pronouncing it the American and Finnish way — ‘NO-keee-aaah’ — but I’m afraid my knowledge of the Finnish language ends there.

You can’t really talk telecommunications and Finland without mentioning Nokia. Depending on market fluctuations, the company typically accounts for about a third of the entire market capitalisation of the Helsinki Stock Exchange. I’ll let you know how I get on.

I have my passport ready. I also thought I should bring my glorious Nokia N86 8MP handset too. You know — when in Rome.