
I'm on the hunt for location based services, apps & opinion to feature next week

It’s Location Based Services Week on Mobile Industry Review!

Next week I’m aiming to publish a series of opinions on what’s going on with mobile location and location based services. Please, please tell me that best practice isn’t about sticking your logo on Foursquare? 😉

I’d welcome 300-400 words from executives based in and around the mobile industry discussing what they see as best practice in location based services.

Who’s leading the pack? Who’s setting the market alight? What’s coming next? Who’s been busy? What trends are you seeing? How have smartphones changed things? Is it all about apps or are we seeing more usage of network-based lookup/location services?

I’ve absolutely no problem about contributors blowing their own trumpet, in fact I positively encourage it. The Mobile Industry Review audience are adept at parsing marketing hype from reality so if you’re doing really well with location based services, we’d all like to know about it.

Do include case studies or examples. Do include numbers/statistics. Don’t hesitate to mention the great work you’ve done for X or Y brands.

How to engage with me:

1. I’m not good on the phone at the moment as there’s a lot moving, so email is best.

2. Drop me a note by email — — with a quick overview of what you’re proposing. I’ll confirm and book a spot for the contribution in next week’s publishing schedule.

3. Final deliverables:
– 300-400 words (or more, if warranted)
– Website link for the contributor
– One sentence bio of the contributor

Any questions? Drop me a note!