
I'm speaking at tomorrow's Senior Market Mobile 2010 event

I’m off to the Senior Market Mobile 2010 conference in London tomorrow and I’m very much looking forward to it. After lunch I’m speaking on the topic of Zero Friction (“Ewan MacLeod on designing a service to connect grandparents to media from their family.”)

It’s only 15 minutes so I’m working hard to keep the presentation to that length.

I think there might be one or two tickets available — yeah — there appear to be — but you’ll need to be very quick.

I hope to see you there!

Here’s the background:

Following it’s successful launch in 2009, this conference examines both the business and design values required for great senior market products & services. Curated again by Simon Rockman, who is very passionate about this sector. Highlights of a full and diverse programme include…

– How Japan has sold 16m Raku Raku phones into the Senior market.
– How better audio makes phones suitable for seniors and better for everyone.
– What to add. What to take away: Less isn’t always more, how to do an exclusion audit on mobile phones.
– Operator experiences: How European operators are benefitting from the senior market.
– Inclusive design ethos: Lessons learned from the motor industry.

The event takes place at RIBA, 66 Portland Place, London on 6th July.
For more information and booking details please see the web site…