
ImpulsePay mobile payments now available for 18+ verified UK consumers

Attention all adult, games, betting and music content providers: ImpulsePay has gone live with an 18+ service that uses the mobile operator age verification facilities to deliver proof of age prior to allowing consumers to purchase content. Nifty.

Here’s how it works:

– The content owner inserts an ImpulsePay ‘Buy Now’
– After clicking on that the purchaser enters their mobile phone number and is sent a secure PIN by SMS
– The PIN is then entered online and the operator checks the users’s handset is registered to an 18+ user
– If the user is not registered as over eighteen then they are sent to a help page
– However, if the user is registered as over eighteen the transaction is completed and the website updates automatically and redirects to the content

Simple. Frictionless too, in the context of having to enter your credit card details! The cash for the content comes from the user’s mobile phone bill or available credit. This is made possible, of course, by the Payforit standard which all licensed UK mobile operators support.

Let’s hear from Chris Newell, CEO of ImpulsePay:

“This is the next step for us. Our service, which combines the benefits of Payforit and SMS billing, has proven to be really popular with a wide variety of content owners and website users. What we’re doing now is opening it up to all content providers. The age-verification service will allow content owners offering certain film or music clips, or games that are 18+ rated, as well as the betting and gaming sites, to accept mobile payments for their content or service.”

Revenue split is similar to Apple’s 70:30 model and you can be up and running very quickly with ImpulsePay. Check out their site for more information.