
InMobi hits 16bn impressions and launches in the States

It was, I think, over two years ago when I met Anne Frisbie who had just started working for InMobi (she runs their US operations). I think we were in Las Vegas at CTIA or somewhere similar. I remember her explaining that InMobi was a rising star in the mobile advertising marketplace at a time when AdMob was everywhere and more or less the only major Western player in mobile ads. I began following the company’s movements after that.

I’ve posted here before about InMobi, highlighting their imminent arrival to the shores of the United States (they soft-launched in the US back in January). They are the world’s largest independent mobile ad network operating in London, SFO, Bangalore, Tokyo, Mumbai and Singapore. Each month they knock back 16 billion mobile advertising impressions with 2 billion of those coming from the United States alone.

The company enables advertisers, application developers and publishers to reach mobile consumers in 108 countries. It’s not all AdMob, remember. Here’s an overview of the company’s performance recently:

If you haven’t talked to them, I definitely suggest you get in touch with them. Let me know if you need an intro.

Also, do check their recently launched Android, iPhone and iPad SDKs.