
iPad 2 Reactions: What does Bernard Herscovich of BelAir Networks think?

We heard from Bernard Herscovich, President and CEO at BelAir Networks had the following to say. The firm’s wireless networking equipment is deployed by the world’s leading service providers including cable operators, mobile carriers, telecom service providers and hospitality service provider.

“The launch of the iPad 2 will undoubtedly drive increased data traffic. Data growth is already on track to easily outstrip the capacity that will be available in future LTE macrocell networks. To deal with this, operators are starting to deploy a new network model based on small cell architectures to increase data capacity.
Essentially, this network model brings wireless base station equipment down from the towers and rooftops closer to the users. It can also take advantage of both cellular and WiFi technology. By deploying smaller cells and taking advantage of WiFi, operators have more than enough data capacity to meet the demands of future versions of the iPad and any other data hungry device that is thrown at their network.”

Thank You Bernard!