
iPad 2 Reactions: What does Mark Watson of Antenna think?

Here’s what Mark Watson, EVP & General Manager of Antenna had to say about the iPad 2. Antenna Software provides a complete solution for mobile web, apps and content that addresses the needs of all users, across all Internet-connected devices, from anywhere in the world.

“As most of the features of the iPad 2 were known to the tech-world prior to the official announcement, Apple may have lost the element of surprise that has boosted the brand numerous times in recent years. That being said the prospects for the device they’ve presented look very fair indeed, especially as it is a full generation ahead of its rivals.”

“The lack of a USB port will leave some disappointed, but with content and applications increasingly getting networked, I think they’re right to focus on Airplay instead. The screen resolution will no doubt be rectified in November just in time for the holiday consumer spending frenzy. Overall, the iPad 2’s crucial reduction in heft, the dual-camera functionality, and the clear app advantage, will keep other tablet and e-reader manufacturers scrambling to catch up. Furthermore, the iPad 2 will ship on March 11 – by getting the device out to the public before other tablet competitors have even shipped their first generation products, Apple is really raising the bar.”

Thank You Mark!