
iPad 2 Reactions: What does Stu Campbell of Fire PR think?

We asked MD & Founder of Fire PR Stu Campbell his thoughts. He has worked in-house for Orange, run European campaigns for Apple & currently heads PR in UK & Ireland for Doro, the easy-to-use mobile phone company.

“Apple has brought out a replacement product in quick succession to the
first generation. Some cynics will say this is a revenue boost to trap
customers. I disagree. I think it proves the company is investing heavily
in leading the consumer portable¹s space and is again taking the bull by the

Traditionally, Apple has not hesitated to re-launch, revamp or remove its
products. I remember working in Apple¹s PR team when the first generation
nano launched don¹t mention the scratches! Regardless, this is evolution &
Apple has the balls to do it so why sit back and wait?

I¹m more of a Mac ‘convert’ than Mac ‘Fanboi’ but have yet to buy an iPad
not because of any particular issue. I was simply waiting for the second
generation to emerge. So, would imagine an iPad2 soon to be joining my
arsenal of iPhone4, MacBook Pro, Time Capsule & iMac.”

Thank You Stu!