
iPad 2 Reactions: What does Todd DeLaughter of Mformation think?

Todd DeLaughter, CEO of Mformation sent us the following. Mformation is the pioneer and leading global provider of mobile device management (MDM) technology, used by 70% of the largest tier-one mobile operators worldwide.

“The adoption of connected devices such as the iPad 2 is helping ensure that mobile operators can tap into new revenue streams. However, much like their smartphone predecessors, this new breed of mobile broadband devices presents an old management challenge in a new guise.

“In the past, every time a new smartphone was launched, the costs associated with device configuration, security, diagnostics and trouble-shooting grew rapidly. At the same time, service providers and enterprises needed the ability to flexibly provision new services and applications on each new device. The advent of mobile broadband devices such as the iPad 2 now poses a similar, if not more complex, management challenge due to the variety of new form factors, software platforms, services and technologies. Failure to proactively control and manage these devices will result in highly unpredictable costs or missed revenue forecasts that ultimately impact ARPU for service providers, while enterprises will find it much more challenging to mitigate the risks around mobile data security.”

Thank You Todd!