
iPad iPad iPad -- all change soon

I saw this set of advertising posters at Waterloo today. I couldn’t help but smile. This ‘iPad iPad iPad’ represents the strategy (or should that be ‘obsession’) of many companies I know. And although Apple is shipping a good amount of their iPad devices, CES recently demonstrated that the rest of the manufacturers are clearly aiming to get stuck in too.

It would be a mistake to assume all 100+ tablets announced at the show are going to hit shelves at Best Buy and PC World shortly. Alas no. Although I’d love to see that kind of competition thrive.

It doesn’t matter what day it is at the moment, everything we’re seeing announced is still being compared in terms of ‘as good as the iPad’. That’s annoying. But still true. Especially when you look at some of the abominations being presented to the market.

I have high hopes for the PlayBook and the Motorola Xoom. Hopefully Android 3.0 “tablet edition” will be decent enough. We shall see.

In the meantime get ready for North America tech media to start getting feverish: It’s time for Apple to turn the rumour knob up to 11. The iPad 2 is coming…

And it will have better… Everything. In fact, all the stuff you were rather annoyed with? Yeah. Most of that will be fixed sufficiently for you to buy another one (or a new one). This is how it goes with an Apple second generation, right? 😉

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