
Ipadio launches Android client

Focus and run fast, because you never know who’s about to come and eat your lunch. That’s the advice I was given when I got a million dollars of investment back in 1999.

And this is a viewpoint that the team over at are clearly operating upon. They are quickly evolving their mobile audio blogging platform with the launch of their Android client. Here’s the details:


Ipadio’s first Android app is in the market now, hot on the heels of last month’s iPhone app. It gives users the choice between recording high quality audio for publication later or streaming their calls live to the web – on or straight to their own web site. 

 For the first time, Android users can choose to live stream audio to their own web site or pre-record up to 60 minutes of audio and upload it later. Callers also have the option to use SpinVox voice to text conversion to produce title, tags and a transcript, plus all of the things you’d expect including adding 4 photos from the phone, geolocating the call and automatically integrating with social media (Twitter, Facebook) and popular blogging platforms. Listeners can subscribe to each “channel” as a podcast in iTunes, within an ipadio account, via RSS or even old fashioned email.

 I didn’t bring my Android phone with me to Nokia World … So I will need to check this out later!

Posted via email from MIR Live