
iPhone 5 due in October. November. September. July. Tomorrow.

Oh I just can’t take it anymore.

Come on, journalists, come on bloggers, know the next generation of iPhone is definitely a really exciting happening, but please! It’s getting rather frustrating now.

Every time somebody in Silicon Valley sneezes, it seems we’ve got another rumour announcing a launch date.

It’s definitely September. Oh yes. Definitely these TWO weeks, because, DEFINITELY, you know, the stores are hiring folk temporarily. And.., oh. No. Sources close to nowhere reckon it’s September. No. October. No, well, not… well, you know possibly.

I heard it was November.

No, I mean September 28th at 2am.


I think.



Now come on, there’s no need to play Apple’s game here. Whether you’re playing it wittingly or unwittingly, it’s pretty rubbish news to continue reporting maybe-possibly-might-bes.

And whilst it most certainly brings in the traffic, don’t you think it leaves the reader with a huge void?

Meanwhile, I know the precise launch date.

However, even writing that puts me close to infringing about half a dozen confidentiality agreements.

Indeed, if I know, I can’t tell you.

And if I don’t know, then, I can’t tell you because that’s not much fun.

Make no mistake, the next generation of iPhone is coming. At some point. Patience, dear reader, patience.

Right now, Apple needs you to be a little confused. This is the pattern for iPhone launches. Rumour, rumour, counter-rumour, informed sources, sources close-to, and so on. The last thing Apple needs is for somebody to leave their next-gen iPhone in a bar like last time.

So expect rumours to hit fever pitch as we move into August.

September would be convenient, to give Apple a nice run at the quarter, however October is Nokia’s month (Nokia World, London, 26th-27th Oct) so that could be a useful time to cast a shadow over proceedings too.

Meanwhile, I heard it was September.

But also October.

And the new version, the iPhone 4.5D? Does the dishes.