
iPhone 5 to hit shelves by September 16th?

Rumours abound this morning that the iPhone 5 is due to hit shelves by September 16th. Some guy’s sister’s pet’s friend’s Uncle — who met a guy — reckons that it’s a virtual guarantee.

“Apple has called in extra support for that whole week,” says the friend’s Uncle (who met a guy), “Which means it’s a dead cert that, at least in the States, the iPhone will go on sale then.”

When challenged as to the authenticity of the report, the Uncle reckons that the guy he met says he got the information from an analyst.

The analyst was having lunch in the park not far from here. It was a rather sunny day and the Uncle was talking a walk in the same park. He bumped into this analyst by mistake when both dogs got tangled up — like it happens in the films, yeah? The Uncle brought out his iPhone and the analyst dude said, “Oh, don’t get an upgrade yet because..” and proceeded to explain the above.

So there you have it. Gotta be true.

[Disclaimer: Portions of this article are not yet fact checked.]

Here’s another related story from Mobile Choice: iPhone 5 to hit shelves on 12th September?