
iPhone apps that get you more for your money

I talked last week about the iPhone Apps store selling a ridiculous number of, well, apps in its first week. However I’ve just seen a handful that I really really want.

As mentioned in my last post I’m a touch hippyesque. Me and my re-usable, hemp carrier bags are as inseperable as the Lone Ranger and Tonto, Batman and Robin or Starski and Hutch. So the following two naturally focus on a slightly more environmental aspect.

Actually, they focus more on my cheapskate side and are aimed at helping you get more miles for your money.

Accufuel (99c)- A really nice gadget that gives graphs and comparisons for each fuel tank. If you go really geeky you can try different driving styles with each trip into work and plot what’s making you go greener (and save money)

GasHog, FuelGage and Car Stat all do something similar. The first two don’t have graphs and the third costs twice as much – why would you bother.

Where (Free) – This one really looks after the cheapskate in me. I’m not quite sure how it gets its data but it tells you the prices from the nearest petrol stations. Remember – it’s not cheaper if you have to drive 50 miles to get there.

Fair enough, they’re novelties. Fair enough, you’ll possibly be asking yourself why you bought them. And Fair enough you’ll possibly even realise that Where’s data is truly pants as no one is forced to up load it. But it’s a good start into being Greenwashed so sit back and enjoy the slightly cheaper ride.