
iPhone in the office

I used to work for an agency that believed that Macs were better at everything.  It would spend a fortune on a Mac and then only use it to do MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint and the interweb.  It did seem like a waste of money, especially as the company in question wasn’t the best payer out there.

As a result, the company’s boss had an iPhone when they were first released.  He then fumed when, a week later, the devices dropped in price.  But it appears that he’s not the only one.

Tech Target has proclaimed the devices are being adopted by businesses to use as an enterprise smartphone.  Whilst I doubt that all the CIOs are ordering the phones purely because they look good it possibly has something to do with it.  It is, afterall, a consumer device.

The online publication has followed Tessenderlo Kerley’s CIO, Bruce Blitch (there is thankfully an L in the surname).  He and a team of staff (senior of course) have been testing the device and given positive comments.

I’m not that surprised that it’s being adopted.  Having tried both I think I’d still rather have the CrackBerry 8120 especially as it has WiFi on it.  It’s not pretending to be something else.

I have an iPod (two in fact) and so never listen to music on the phone.  I have a camera.  I have a phone.  I don’t really check the web on my phone because it’s rarely that urgent.  So, that leaves me with the need for email and, quite simply, Blackberry is perfect for this.  Especially as it has keys to easily type one.

That said, iAnywhere may make the iPhone that little bit better for email.  It’s a Sybase tool and provides access to MS Exchange and Lotus Domino.