
iPhone sees RIM delay AT&T BlackBerry?

If the rumours are true, it looks like RIM is delaying the introduction of its latest 3G model for AT&T. Depending on who you listen to, it’s either because the BlackBerry in question has power issues, or because RIM doesn’t want to go head to head with Apple’s mooted June launch for the 3G iPhone.

I’m still not altogether convinced that the iPhone is the BlackBerry killer that some lazy headline-jockeys have painted it as – can you see any company apart from the most showy, cash-rich bunch giving out hundreds of iPhones to its sales fleet? – but when it comes to the consumer market, it’s a different game, with both Apple and RIM still relative newbies. Delaying the launch for PR’s sake alone is a wise move: who wants to be locked in a column inches battle with the iPhone? But delaying it for any other technical reason is a far smarter move – that said, it doesn’t bode well if the company really is discovering technical glitches a couple of months before the device is meant to get into the hands of users.