
Iranian MP says MMS snooping is illegal

Link: TaliyaNews :. MMS controlling equals eavesdropping – MP

This relates to a story from a few weeks ago about Iran’s plans to censor MMS traffic.

Ramezan-Ali Sadeqzadeh arguing that MMS and SMS messages are private interactions between two parties, added in an interview with IRNA, ‘There is no legal justification for such practices.”

The first deputy of Parliament’s Mines & Industries Commission added, ‘Just as it is illegal to eavesdrop the conversation of two people in accordance with the IRI Constitution in any way, save for doing so based on the verdict of a court of justice in order to prove a crime, or to prevent a threat against national security, and similar cases, controlling the MMS and SMS contents, too, need to be based on such a verdict, or after the filing of a complaint by the receiver of the unwanted texts, or pictures, or films.”