
Is giving a prize to celebrate follower numbers really silly?

I’ve got a social media question for you this evening.

Have a read of this tweet from MotoMobile:

We’re nearing the 20,000 follower mark! To thank you for your support, we’re giving a Moto device to our 20,000th follower!

Now the chaps behind the Moto twitter service are really smart. I’ve been thoroughly enjoying what they and the MotoDev team over the months.

But here’s my problem… How does that tweet help me?

How does it incentivise me? How does it help me beyond clearly stating that I’m entirely irrelevant because I’m already a follower?

If anything, it renders my position to mute acceptance.

Unless, of course, I decide to unfollow them and try to actively become the 200,000th follower. I suppose there is some small merit there.

Shouldn’t these kind of prizes — and I’ve seen them used by many, many companies — be changed around to make it a celebration of Moto’s success by giving a prize to a random existing follower?

I wonder what Mr Whatley thinks. James Whatley is Engagement Strategy Director for 1000 Heads. I’ll ask him and see what he reckons.

What’s your view?