
Is Bluetooth Marketing still getting active attention?

I had another note from a reader yesterday. He’s a particularly successful mobile entrepreneur here in the UK.

He writes:

Do you know if Bluetooth Marketing is still actively being used or has a been forgotten. Do you know any good Bluetooth Marketing companies that lease kit or software?

You’d have been forgiven for thinking so, wouldn’t you? I’ve not read a lot — nor have I seen much about the field of bluetooth marketing recently.

I decided to delve into my mail account and see what I could find with the keywords ‘bluetooth’ and ‘marketing’:

– ROK Promoter & Geniem — offer Bluetooth marketing services online

Pontomobi (a Brazil based marketing agency) are regular Bluetooth marketing users on behalf of their clients — such as Fiat, Motorola (here’s a Youtube on the Moto campaign they did recently)

Hypertag helped o2 ‘achieve exceptional results’ via their retail channel using Bluetooth or ‘proximity marketing’. Here’s a bit more about them:

Hypertag created the Proximity Marketing industry (commonly referred to as Bluetooth Marketing) in 2001. Hypertag is the most experienced provider in the industry, and since it pioneered using technologies like Bluetooth as a wireless marketing channel, has gone on to run over 320 successful campaigns in over 34 countries. Hypertag brings the benefits of digital to out-of-home and experiential marketing. It works with the top brands to achieve real measurable results again and again. Hypertag is the Proximity Marketing solution that the top tier advertisers choose, and Hypertag’s clients include Coca-Cola, Nike, Unilever, HSBC, BP, O2 and CNN.

Blip Systems offer Bluetooth mobile marketing services (I remember they’d wired up Copenhagen Airport with some Bluetooth modules. Not necessarily to do marketing in this case but to measure dwell time and help with queue management (by identifying and tracking the unique Bluetooth signatures of individual handsets as they flow throughout the airport).

Bluepod Media delivered 350,000 bluetooth video trailer downloads in one month for Warner Brothers back in March this year.

If you’re into bluetooth marketing, drop me a note or place a comment here?