
Is it Time to Unbundle SMS?


Thumbing through the bumph that I got from the MX Alliance London launch the other night, I came across this article in one of their newsletters. I’d seen it before online a few months back, but even now it makes interesting reading – especially if you haven’t come across it before. Although it’s written by someone from a company who has a vested interest in the subject, it’s still worth a look.

Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) might not like the idea, but as the industry transitions to 3G – and as regulators continue to scrutinize competition in mobile markets – the idea of unbundling short message services (SMS) so that subscribers can opt to route their SMS traffic away from their network operator and via an alternative provider, becomes compelling.

A mobile subscriber may be satisfied with the voice and data services they receive from their existing mobile network, but may wish to take advantage of cheaper SMS services from an alternative provider. Should the market be regulated to allow it?

You can read the full article here.