
Is there anywhere that Mobiles don’t belong?

This is a thought that I’ve been pondering over for some time; mobiles have taken over our lives, almost to the point of invasion. We use and take them everywhere we go, and many of us rarely turn our beloved handsets off. So is there a time and place for mobiles?

Well I think there is. And yes, these are another example of my “grannyish” tendencies, but hear me out.

Firstly, mobiles in the cinema! Quite possibly one of the most aggravating situations ever; you’ve paid to sit in an incredibly uncomfortable seat, to see a below par film, with an over-priced ticket. Then halfway through that moment of immense enigma, emotion and emotion the classic “doo do doo do doo do do do dooo” (Classic Nokia Ringtone), sets the whole room alive.

It’s painful, and I hate it. I’m one of those people who’ll point out their anger and frustration at such low-level rudeness as this, and will inform the owner of the mobile of where to go, and what to do with their device. I mean, after all, you have paid for the privilege of watching this film right? So surely one should be able to hear it without the disruption of dreadful ringtones, and conversation.

Secondly, restaurants; I’m not talking about somewhere like McDonalds, Pizza Hut or even Nando’s.  I mean a proper restaurant, and normally ones that end up costing a small fortune. Is there anything worse than hearing someone’s phone ring during your meal? Or, even worse, if they’re having a text conversation, and don’t think to put their mobile on to silent, despite knowing that they’ll receive a reply within the next minute?

I’m actually quite sure there are plenty of other places mobiles don’t belong. Thankfully, I’ve never heard someone’s mobile go off when I go to the Library; although I’m sure the array of angered elderly people would be first to express discontent quicker than myself. Museums I think are another place that silence should be truly relinquished to its natural perfection. I don’t often get a chance to go, but when I do, there is nothing worse than hearing a badly distorted version of the current single’s chart number one blasting from an outdated Nokia or Sony.

Transport for London have a poster campaign on the buses (and Tube if my memory serves me well), which is trying to retrain us back to our pre-mobile, polite, English mannered ways. For instance, “I will not play my music aloud” and “I will not shout on my mobile” are too images or slogans used to try and keep the commuters a little sane.

Is this then proof that mobiles are finally becoming truly recognised for their vexation? Well, I think maybe so. I also don’t think this will be the last poster campaign that will try and get mobile users to be friendlier with their devices. Maybe we might see a public area where they are banned altogether.

Can you think of anywhere that mobiles don’t belong? Maybe it’s a place you frequently visit, and love, but you feel agitated by the constant buzzing of the mobile phone? Or, maybe you think mobiles do deserve a place in society, and that we have our rights to use our phone, no matter how bad in choice in ringtone we have?
Feel free to post your views, or e-mail me at – let’s see if we can get a debate going!