
Is Twitter here to stay?

Wade over at Technology Review has written a cool overview of Twitter and how it’s being used.

Link: Technology Review: Is Twitter Here to Stay?

Is Twitter Here to Stay?

Me? I’ve got an ultra basic problem with Twitter — in the form of the cost of text messaging.

I don’t have a problem with Twitter per se — it’s the medium — the cost of sending 160 characters of text — that still, even today, even with my Flext 75 T-Mobile tariff, still winds me up.

I know you can use it via IM — I’ve got that set-up… it’s just, it’s not the same is it? It’s a psychological issue I’ve got:

“MacLeod-Vodatextitis” — the inability to commit to sending hundreds of text messages across a week lest it triple the cost of your phone bill at the end of the month, most commonly found in current or former Vodafone subscribers, used to blowing 12.5p per text.

So I have been using Jaiku instead. In fact I think Jaiku is a lot more powerful. Loving it.

I am going to try and take some time and email the chaps over at Jaiku to try and work out how I use the ‘friends’ thing on the application.