
iSkoot's Symbian hole and the blogosphere to the rescue

I was off the grid over the weekend otherwise I’d have blogged the news that Phoneboy (Dameon) spotted a hole in his Symbian version of iSkoot that, apparently, sent his Skype username and password in the clear.

Both the iSkoot CEO and CTO rapidly got involved. Dan York published this summary of events — including a swish timeline to demonstrate that — for companies that are listening, rather than ignoring — the blogosphere can be a valuable source of assistance.

Link: Voice of VOIPSA » Blog Archive » Chronology of the blogosphere and iSkoot weekend response to the iSkoot security issue

Given commentary now appearing in the blogosphere around the speed of the response this weekend by both various blogs and also the folks at iSkoot responding to the security issue tracked on this blog, I thought I would take a moment and just capture the chronology of what did occur. (Partly to emphasize what Andy points out in his post today – that the blogosphere can help companies that join in the conversation.) Here’s what I saw – all times converted to Eastern US