
It's Qualcomm, Qualcomm, Qualcomm today

Hello from a reasonably sunny San Diego.

I’m here for Qualcomm’s Uplinq event this week. I’ve been looking at the agenda and break-out sessions and it’s definitely looking like it’ll be a rather good conference.

But before the conference, we’re off to find out more about Qualcomm itself at the company’s HQ just a short drive from downtown San Diego.

I don’t know that much about Qualcomm. Oh, I’ve got the general perspective that I’m sure most people have. Telecommunications company, Brew, FLOTV, chipsets and so on. But for me, beyond those initial headline words, it all gets rather vague. So I’m really looking forward to finding out more about the company.

I’m traveling with a group of other journalists who’ve been invited out to the event and we’re working to a rather comprehensive schedule. Today we are, for example, sitting down with Bill Stone, SVP and President of FLO TV. We’ll be popping in to see Jim Cathey, VP of Business Development talking Mirasol, then Don Jones (also VP Biz Dev) talking Healthcare. And we’ll be going to see an ‘LTE Van Demo’ — that I’m looking forward to.

I won’t be taking the big camera as I’m sure that’ll get a little annoying messing around with the equipment at each spot. Instead I’ll take the smaller HD Sanyo and see if there’s anything I can capture here for the site. Otherwise I’ll write it up and let you know how I got on.