
It's the 361 Degrees Live Podcast event tonight!

I’m really looking forward to tonight’s 361 Degrees Live Podcast event tonight. 

In case you’re new to 361 Degrees, let me explain: It’s a collaboration between myself, Rafe Blandford from All About Symbian/Windows Phone and Ben Smith from Wireless Worker. We typically pick a mobile related topic each week to discuss — for example, last week was all about Samsung, the week before was dedicated to Facebook Mobile. We’ve been getting some super feedback. The episodes tend to run to around 30 minutes — ideal for the morning commute, plus there’s guaranteed bickering and the occasional witty remark. We’re now midway through series 3. You can catch-up at or search for it on iTunes. 

Tonight we’re recording the podcast in front of a live audience and we’re changing the format slightly — we’re going for the BBC Question Time look. That is, Ben will be chairman, Rafe will be on the panel along with four mobile luminaries and I will be managing the audience. The networking will be fantastic. I know a lot of the people already on the list and can vouch for their quality.

The panelists are rocking. Here’s who will be featuring: 

Ilicco Elia – Head of Mobile, LBi. Previously Global Head of Mobile at Reuters Media for Thomson Reuters
Ed Hodges – Head of Mobile, Business & Commercial, Royal Bank of Scotland. Previously Head of Mobile Application Development for Tesco
Mark Squires – Head of Communications for Western Europe, Nokia
Stephen Pinches – Head of Emerging Technologies, Financial Times Group

I expect fireworks. 

And since I will be managing the audience feedback, I will be guaranteeing fireworks. If at any point the audience run out of questions or commentary, I’ll be delighted to get stuck in. 

Doors open at 6pm, the panel starts at 7pm and we’ll be networking until 10pml The venue is LBi’s offices at the Truman Brewery on Brick Lane. And the whole evening is generously supported by both Nokia and LBi

If you’d like to join us, be quick. We released a few more tickets recently and they went quickly. There are currently 7 tickets left. Nope. I just refreshed. Make that 6. 

Registration is free. Just use this form here. See you tonight.

And if you can’t make it, we’ll have the live recordings on the 361 Degrees podcast feed shortly.