
It's one small text for man...

Link: Guy climbs Everest to send ludicrous SMS | APC Magazine

You’ve probably heard about the guy climbing Everest to make the world’s highest phone call. Well, he got there yesterday – and what’s the first thing he did? Yep, make his phone call. And as he was being sponsored by Motorola, he rang them – and had some very kind words to say about the handset they gave him.

“My MOTO Z8 has totally enhanced the experience up here, giving me the added confidence and peace of mind to know that friends, family and even help were just a phone call away.”

How lovely. And after that call? He sent a text.

Baber also had a pithy text message ready to go: “One small text for man, one giant leap for mobilekind – thanks Motorola.”

Hmm. Corporate sponsorship gone mad?