
It's the Chiswickian Mobile Meetup tonight

That’s come around quick! It feels like only yesterday I was defending the SpinVox honour against the braying senior industry executives who’d only just begun chattering about The Register’s expose. The chap from SpinVox — occupying something like the COO position — attempted a mild defense of the company whilst I jumped in and explained the bullshit I’d been fed over the years by SpinVox. The next few weeks were a rather interesting time in the company’s history culminating in the utter, utter please-don’t-even-think-about-us radio silence PR strategy. That hasn’t, incidentally, stopped interested parties from emailing into MIR Towers each week asking if I’d heard the latest (followed by yet more shocking yet not surprising revelations).

So it was quite an explosive event back in August. This evening’s event is set to be an interesting one, I’m sure. It’s not ‘for press’, i.e. I’m not ‘reporting’ it, but I’ll tell you how I get on without specifying identities.

Posted via email from MIR Live