
iTunes lack of cloud support = Shit

Last night I blew 7 quid on an Above & Beyond trance album.

I find good trance music useful when I’m working on extended projects that need focused attention. I bought the album on my iPhone. I listed to some of the tracks immediately and marvelled at the technological advances that made the experience possible. I listened to the album on the way to work.

I then synced my iPhone to charge it up. Big mistake.

I just didn’t think at the time. iTunes upgraded my 3GS to the incremental 4.0 release. It obviously copied the album over to my main computer. I used my other machine to listen to the tracks whilst I worked today.

Alas iTunes negated to place a copy back on my iPhone when it had done the upgrade. Why should it? The album wasn’t marked to ‘sync’.

I just… I thought it was rather obvious. So the music I purchased last night is now on my desktop. Which is no faaaking use to me when I’m mobile. Because Apple’s Cloud Strategy doesn’t quite extend to doing things properly.

I bought the right to access that music. And I still have to frak about managing my own personal data structure?

Rubbish. Absolutely rubbish. But everything else about iTunes is really quite enjoyable.

So we shall all shut up and hope el Jobso & Son get round to fixing this in the next half-decade.