
I've got the keys ...

… to SMS Text News Towers.

While Ewan’s away sunning himself busy working (as you can see here), he’s foolishly given me the keys to SMS Text News Towers.

So that means that your favourite blog on mobile related issues is in my hands for the next couple of weeks (actually, I think he just wants me to tidy the desks and lock up at the end of the night – but I’m going to do a few posts too).

One thing I will be trying to focus on over the next few weeks is to feature companies that are just coming out of stealth mode and are ready to launch themselves to the unsuspecting operators, consumers etc.

If you’ve just realised that your product / application / thingy is ready and is perfect, but you don’t yet have PR support, drop me a line at and I’ll try to do a profile on you to help kick-start your rise to greatness in the mobile world.