
I've had it with Three; bring on Vodafone

I did my best, really I did. 

I have been trying to use and an array of other mobile related services. too.  I want to see what they’re like!  I want to use them!

Every time I try and visit them with my Sony Ericsson K700i, I am denied.  I get sent to this abysmally annoying page saying "Suggest a site"

… it continues:

"We are constantly looking to improve our range of websites. If you would like to suggest one, text the address to 36663 and we’ll look into it."


Pardon me?

Fine, I thought.  Fine fine fine they’re making me pay extra for web access.  You know I really cannot be bothered to examine their inane terms and conditions.  So I phoned up and paid the fiver or whatever for the "mobile access" package.  It turns out I can only access the pre-approved websites in their list.  Like the BBC.  Or whatever.  NOT of course, the sites I want to access.

So, whenever I visit Mobileglu, I’m asked if I’d like to suggest it.  You know, the people from Three will ‘take a look into it’ and no doubt ‘get back to me’. 

They might as well add "Don’t call us, we’ll call you" on the bottom.

Well screw you Mr & Mrs Three.  I’ve been trying to find an excuse to get a Vodafone.  I used to have 4 phones on my Vodafone account until I thought I was being far too selective.  I thought I should try and get out a bit more 😉  You know, get an Orange, get a T-mobile, get a Three. 

Well it’s definitely improved my awareness of just how stupid some mobile operators are. 

How the hell are you expected to ENCOURAGE the development of mobile data and mobile data related services when you throw users to a "WOULD YOU LIKE TO SUGGEST THIS SITE" page, when I as a user WANT TO PAY YOU MONEY TO ACCESS THE SITE.

Dear me.

Over to Vodafone.  I’m like a leper.  Here I am writing about SMS text news and saying "oh boy, this Mobileglu" looks a bit of alright … and I can’t even get to it on my mobile.