
I've had it with Tweeterish ("Twitter's rubbish tweets") - again

That’s it.

I just canny do it, captinnnnnn.

I’ve had it up to here with Tweeterish — that is, Twitter rubbish. Now and again, I get absolute gold in via Twitter.

But people keep on interrupting my day with tosh about their cat looking pretty. Perfectly fine but entirely irrelevant to me.

I was talking about this with Adam Bird of Esendex earlier today. He reckons we need a lot more work done in semantics to help us deal with information flow. For example if it’s a good friend Tweeting, then it’s not rubbish to me. It’s relevant, but in a different context.

I don’t care what your cat did, or whether it is coughing up grapes in a cute fashion, I really don’t. But if your cat is typing on a Nokia N95, I will be the first to blog the QIK footage.

But until we get more semantic on your ass, we’ll need to grin and deal with it.

My strategy is this: Move Twitter to update my AOL instant messenger account name. No one talks to me on that so I can easily switch off Twitter updates.

I’ve long given up using little pop-up programs. LONG ago I gave up on SMS updates (I’m sure Twitter’s accountant is pleased to hear that) after my Nokia N73 had it’s inbox stuffed with 250 messages in half a day.

It’s far too distracting and it certainly isn’t a live ‘community conversation’ when 95% of traffic is about your cat and how it can’t swallow grapes.

I must admit though, I’d like to see that on video…