
Jaiku dead, long live the Jaiku

That’s it. Jaiku is no longer to be actively developed by Google.

On the plus side, you’ll be able to download the Jaiku codebase, open-source-style, from Google shortly. But that’s it. No more.

Cue panic, screaming, tears, crying from the dwindling Jaiku users who have taken a LONG time to get the message. They’ve been hoping for some kind of light at the tunnel. They’ve stood by whilst innovation has surrounded, engulfed and propelled Twitter et al to new levels, … waiting… just in case.

Well no need to wait any longer. They can still hang around on Jaiku… but the game’s over now. No updates, no changes … you never know though, perhaps an enterprising chap will lift the code and begin creating his or her own modified Jaiku experience.

Here’s the update from the Google team.