
Jamster launches free dedicated UK iPhone content portal

Just in time for the UK launch of the iPhone (which, I reckon, is going to be an absolute shocker for every other mobile operator except O2), Jamster has launched a dedicated portal for iPhone users.

Interestingly, Jamster, the ringtone and content giant, are offering iPhone users free content to download to their device. I’ll need to check this out and see what they’re offering — I think there will be ridiculous demand from iPhone users for this sort of thing. The device itself is gorgeous — but give it 5 days and most users will want to spruce it up with all sorts of gizmos, sounds and wallpapers.

One of the sexiest things I’ve heard is that they’ve launched The Simpsons-On-Mobile (from the game through to ringtones, sounds and the like). Not sexy in the context of, say, Jessica Simpson, but sexy in the context of having Homer’s DOHHHHHH screaming at you every time you get a text message. That I need to definitely check out.

So it’s currently free at the moment — that is, anything you find on the Jamster portal via your iPhone is not charged — but expect that to change in future as tens of thousands of iPhones are sold each day. Have a look and get downloading!