Clicky's mobile privacy service

Picture_5_2_1The noises — well, blogs, actually — coming out of are making interesting reading. They’ve clearly put quite a bit of effort into considering the whole array of issues surrounding personal number/identify privacy.

Link: Anonymity: 1-way or 2-way?

If they want to maintain their privacy, then they want to maintain their privacy 100%. 1-way implementations are 50%. The obvious point here is that solutions like ours are 2-way solutions, where one’s privacy is secured when making and receiving calls. The trick is to build them around a simple yet functional user interface (both voice and graphically). Not only are we doing this, but we’re making it work with familiar user behavior…we’re making it happen in multiple modalities. You’ll see what I mean soon.

Perhaps initially similar in concept to Safe-Talk, I’m excited to see what they present to the marketplace. I haven’t signed-up to try out the beta as I reckon the service is for US-based consumers only at the moment.

Check them out at