
Jay Fenton launches Scribe Symbian blog editor

You remember Jay knocked up a version of the WordPress client editor I am in the process of getting built? He did it ridiculously quickly (here’s the news about that). Well, he’s launched it! You can get an early build — very early, mind — at

My developer encountered a few challenges hooking in with the XMLRPC engine on WordPress but he reckons he’s possibly got it resolved. It is, alas, going to be another week or so until he has news as he’s going out the country.

Jay’s launch puts me in a wee bit of a strange position: I’ve transferred my cash to the developer — well, it’s being held in escrow by Rent-a-Coder and the developer is still working away. Meantime I’ve actually been able to use Jay’s Scribe to post blogs remotely. The arse? I can’t discontinue with the development. I’m a bit committed.

Ergo do check out Jay’s Scribe, if you’re up for blogging from WordPress on your S60 handset. And spare a thought for my version … whenever it arrives!