
Join me for pre-MWC drinks with the team at Hotwire PR

Goodness me! Did you know there’s only 68 days until the madness of Mobile World Congress 2012 is upon us? It’s really not long at all.

Right now there are fevered public relations and marketing professionals putting the finishing touches to their plans for the event. As January approaches, it’ll be time to iron out the kinks and begin committing to specific actions — getting the printing done, setting the precise plans in place, briefing the teams and the senior executives, getting the talking points in order… there’s a ton to organise.

The experts at Hotwire PR have put together a check-list that I think many readers will find rather valuable (see below). If you’ve got questions or you’d like some examples of how to do things right, then you might appreciate the opportunity to pick the brains of Hotwire’s finest in a relaxed environment.

Which is why they’re hosting an informal pre-MWC drinks reception in January!

They’ve kindly invited me to attend to answer any last minute queries from a blogger/media perspective. I’ve got a lot of views on this topic having been to MWC many, many times — and had some rather (needlessly) stressful interview experiences.

I’ve done a lot of work with Hotwire over the years at MWC (as a blogger, seeking to interview their clients) so I’ve first hand experience of their professionalism. I highly recommend coming along on to the reception.

It’s taking place on the 25th of January 2012 from 6-830pm at Zebrano Bar, 18 Greek Street, Soho, W1D 4DS. If you’d like to come along, please drop a note to Fiona Stevens ( to RSVP or give her a call on 020 7608 4697.

Now then, here’s the Hotwire MWC checklist:

Accommodation: have you booked hotel rooms and flights for everyone attending?

MWC Registration: how many passes will you need, and do you need to be on the show floor on the Sunday? If so then don’t forget you’ll need an exhibitor pass.

Spokespeople: who are your spokespeople, and do they need any media training prior to the event?

Key Messages: now is the time to identify the top trends and themes that are likely to dominate the show, and decide on what those trends mean for you.

Getting Results: what will your return on investment be? Encourage your PR agency to be thinking about tangible results from MWC at all times during the planning process

Reading down that list, I dont envy the amount of work involved. There’s a lot to get organised and the clock is ticking!

I look forward to seeing you in January! I’ll post a few more times to remind you. Please do pass this note on to any of your colleagues who are quietly sitting in the corner of your office stressing about MWC!